March 26, 2025

same old same old

 There's a certain amount of repetition going on for lack of anything to say.... here's todays frog, coming up to battle the mossies -

It's been raining but the mighty Aude is taking the water in its stride -

...But look what excitement looms!!!
Me and Aileen Hennes will be signing (and flogging) our books in the British Library, Quillan, April 12th. Def a diary date.
Nel has made a poster, photographed in the window of the library. 

I'm sharpening my quill.

March 20, 2025

Our mayor gets a grip

 Here is our Mayors letter from Facebook,  clumsily translated by their resident bot:

4 prickly issues.

Regarding the Avenue of the Pyrenees, the SAUR will intervene tomorrow to clean the gravels and make us a clean avenue.
Contacted Enedis this morning regarding power outages. They are working on it but having trouble identifying the cause. We should quickly regain the sustainability of our networks.
Similarly, at the City of Sarrault's public meeting, the selection of trees didn't seem to have everyone convinced. We shredding this morning. There will be honey trees and other caramels. Less high, less harmful and clearing more friendly effluves.
Final point much more complicated as we have no return on TNT and the loss of channels. Following the calls from our assistant Rose-Marie Darot we currently have no return. Business to be continued...

Good to know! The entrance to the town, the Avenue of the Pyrenees, has had work on it for ever and is still a mess. The power failures have become routine, they are so many - we've lost a TV channel and would like it back.
But exciting to know that le Maroc will be having honey and toffee trees!

Other than that, we had a splendidly cheerful Wednesday night at tout-la - Ole-Bendick and Cleopatra got a standing ovation when they arrived - and Bob and I concluded the evening by eating chez nous with Pete and Claire, Terry and Di. It was good.
Here are some of the guests leaving, which is when I remembered the camera. Sigh.

March 19, 2025

mixed bag

 The resident frog yesterday, up and feeding after this long winter - seen again this morning but too jumpy to photograph. The birds are going ballistic and the cycle of life is moving into a good bit :)

And our resident immortal, Ole-Bendik, in the market after surviving his heart attack. Seen him look better but confident he'll be causing trouble soon.

A lull in our busy schedules, ahem, caused Bob to announce a trip. Accordingly off we went to far-flung Bram, to check out Barbara's exhibition. Without first checking out opening times, duh. Hoping to get back later this week, most imposing venue...

Fierce winds seen to have passed, causing many exciting electricity cuts last night. There's been an earthquake on the cote d'azur centered on Nice.

Have to give myself a plug now; in case anyone doesn't know I've written an informative book about death which outlines all the possibilities that science, philosophy, religion and new agers can imagine. 

It's available on Amazon.


March 16, 2025


 Friday morning on the bridge... and I forgot to take photos of Gert and Elsbeth with whom we lunched at the Cafe de fa, which was lovely. We all like it there; and given that Erika is leaving us and abandoning the Cafe du Pont (in August, not for a while -) we need them!! On the plus side, Kevin has re-opened the creperie. No reports yet.

Susan is a brilliant cook, perhaps she can take on the Pont? Unlikely - but she gave a dinner last night which was superbe, a selection of salads and Lebanese-style dips, then trout and spinach lasagne (augmented by a tuna bake by Rose) and chocolate cheesecake and apple tart. Given that our friends were there and the music was also choice, it was a most successful evening :) Thanks all.

here's Maryann, back from Australia and en route to Switzerland - be here for the summer though.
and our Rose, looking good -
Mike and Kaye under the Periodic Table, deep in conversation - 

and our lovely hostess, programming a mix of eclectic music for our pleasure!

March 13, 2025

Weds the new sat nite

Terrifically frisky evening at Tout-la last night- Kay and Maryanne are back! - and Terry and Di, Cen and Rae - some of us hoofed it to the indefatigable Chapaire for a burst of animal protein. It was good.


March 7, 2025


...has sprung and our friends have returned to us! Hibernation is over...

everyone looks rather serious in  this photo but my memory of the event - yesterday - was that it came into the immoderate laughter category.  
Dougie and Regina are back amongst us, and we were lucky enough to catch Pete and Clare as they returned - before having to go again. Families and health issues call. 

If you too are in travelling mode, get to Dublin for the end of the month to see our own Kenny McKendys exhibition - Kenny McKendry RP — GORRY GALLERY
His use of paint is nothing short of magic IMHO. And I'm not alone in this opinion, critical approval hurtling his way- can't seem to upload a painting but have a look at his gallery, link above.

And on a more prosaic note; I've been spending time with our local computer wizard, 
If you too have problems with the machine in your life, Ronan is your man! Just past Chez Charlie

February 28, 2025

As recommended

 So many friends have told us that the newly tarted Cafe de Fa is wonderful that we were emboldened to give it a whirl- and it is indeed a marvel.

We booked ( obligatory, nowadays) for 12.00 which was cunning because half the known world poured in at half past and the place became respectably full. Mysteriously, in some space-bending way, the place is bigger. More relaxed table space and a bigger terrace. Plus a little shop of local products, which we used - prices not outrageous.

We ate the set menu for the day... so, a really good little salad, mine dotted with Pyrenean cheese and the Captains with bits of ham (he doesn't do cheese): a boeuf bourguinon  (cows from Limoux, so happy cows, so that's alright, hmm): then Captain had his absolute fave dish, apple crumble with vanilla ice cream and I had a ball of crunchy coffee ice cream which is my new best flavour. That was 17.00 something euros per person which we bumped up with the drinks to a still respectably acceptable sum considering the excellent quality. Good service too.

Half of Esperaza turned up during our meal and sat on the terrace where they could smoke. A  beautiful dog wasn't allowed in but was encouraged to sit with his owners at one of the small tables in the front garden space.

And Raj Gopal was exhibiting! Another plus.