February 19, 2025

sunny day

 our beautiful frog is out of hibernation - or having a break. Thrilled to see her/him.

Went to Quillan this morning for various domestic reasons and spotted this critter:

- a cat looking like an owl posing next to a virgin and child.

February 15, 2025

all the news..

 ...thats fit to publish. Top of the list is that DogShit alley is closed while the school gutters are fixed, so no sort cut to the market tomorrow.

Other than that;  just had tea with Saveria, brill, and a trot above le Caderonne, to the old Spanish border (in the 15th century) Love it there, clear air views to take your breath away. Ancient soil.
When the current project is finished I'm off there to paint.

February 14, 2025

Valentines day news

 This being the day when birds traditionally start nesting, I've been paying attention... here's a fine shot of the heron escaping the camera. 

Also escaped; a pair of slightly bedraggled long tailed tits, new to our bird table. Gorgeous! And gone, by the time I got the camera out. Sigh
Here's a good shot from a couple of days ago, when the tribe gathered in Tout-la

and that's it really. Except to mention that today is Hilary Aberson's birthday and also Jill Coopers. Both partying in heaven, no doubt.

February 9, 2025

Bobs apero

Bob turned - miraculously - 76 years old yesterday so a small apero was in order. 

Photos random and apologies all round. Good evening though!
Claudine, Bieke, Robin...

Janet, Bieke, Robin, John

Roland and Janet

and Aileens book! Bob is the privileged recipient of the first signed copy... 
I've started it and had trouble tearing myself away, can't wait to get back.

Kat took this of O-B on the way out... well lit-up hoho

February 8, 2025

mysteriously xmas

Ruston and Clare decided to give me and Bob and Eric and Alison another christmas feast, since only Eric could make the 25th December. And Eric was well up for the re-run - seen below, with his adorable and engaging dog whose name I forget.

marvellous way to pass a Friday afternoon :) Thanks to the Rushtons for their everything xxx

February 6, 2025


Mike out of hospital, seen here with Robin - much celebrating at tout la last night. Ferren is also out and back home. Roy damaged in a fall, it seems (though not snow boarding). Lala we'll need a guest annex at the hospital soon if people don't stop all this... on the plus side the weather is beautiful and I spotted a couple of sand martins out, so spring is pretty well here. Bonne courage, mes amis!!

February 3, 2025

February already...

 ... where does the time go?

Been in Perpignan with Siggy, for the ballet Romeo and Juliette at the Palais de Congress there - excellent time, appartement in the St Jacques quarter and bus from Quillan. 

Saw an Osprey outside Aileen's, sitting on the telegraph lines!

And yesterday, spotted this beauty:

Louise in the market with her brother Harry, who has become a father...
Love the child's healthy suspicion

Bob made it home yesterday. Realised en route to Stanstead that his passport was elsewhere. Managed to volte face, grab it and take a taxi to the airport  (cost more than the flight) where he did that skin-of-the-teeth thing. Stress followed by great joy.

Here's a bit of Perpignan. Life is good. Candles lit for Gillie and Alain, getting better - and Mike, in safe hands and hopefully home soon.