April 5, 2015

Easter in Esperaza

 Easter Sunday kicks off early with Les Hermits, young people who dress in white shirts, black bowler hats and a black eye; its some kind of medieval memorial that historians argue about.
They collect money from the innocent and spend it in the cafes.
This year the presence of the police is rather obvious, presumably because last week the Mayor complainted to the gendarmes at Quillan that they were not attenting to the 'incivilites' of the young of Esperaza. 
Whatever that means.

 The brass band is part of the party and everyone dances... in the market, through the alleys...

 ...and at last we know how the eyes are blackened :) Burnt corks abound in the streets.

This little critter is Esperaza's latest contribution to the myth of the region. Its the Easter Egg presented by the new patisserie. They describe it as a cross between a bear and a mouse.

Ryans family have arrived from Dakota. Thought I'd let them settle in and get a bit de-jet lagged before I thrust a camera in their faces.

Happy Easter everyone!

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