July 15, 2019

Revolution report

In a fervour of patriotism I trotted off to the Monument aux morts to celebrate the revolution. Our mayor made a very good speech about the origins of democracy and the knock-on to other countries.  I was translating and thinking at the same time so I'm not sure if he mentioned our own Thomas Paine and his Rights of Man (plus the American constitution which apparently Paine knocked out in the tea-break while the others were still debating it), who went to America after the Paris revolt.
He did mention the Marquis de Sade though - who had been held in the Bastille.

Glad that the event has a certain standing here though perturbed that it is less than in other years. There was a time the tables were out in the square for a meal, bands played and the elderly waltzed about; guess the demographics have changed and the emphasis is now on funfair for the young.
Vive la republique!

Gert and Elsbeth joined us for dinner and were tremendous company, as ever. Today is cooler, there's a decent breeze and the sun is pleasant rather than too damn hot.
-But its early yet...

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