June 11, 2020

New markers for bonkers

Now we are out of confinement and all nations are talking to each other again, a new standard of bonkerdness has appeared.
-Time was it was giant green lizards hatching from the mountain and/ or aliens lizards in spaceships come to rescue us from the Illuminati - now it can be measured by responses to Covid-19.

First intimation was a few days ago when a French friend said the virus was our friend.
This was followed by another friend who simply denied its existence; and today, another denier. I said, why was the government going to so much trouble? Money, was the answer. So, erm ,what money? They are nearly bankrupt, no-one is doing any work. Ha! In July, they will become rich.

Love it here. Unicorns to the rescue.

Here's the little market, the flourishing PMU, mercifully sane Susan cleaning her windows and Rico trying to get to his walnuts.

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