April 10, 2021

Distancing at 80

Ole-Bendiks birthday.... one hesitates to say party as of course that would be illegal, but 80th drop-in session with social distancing is a bit of a mouthful. DISSD perhaps. Above is the man himself, greeting new Norwegian- in- town Katerina.
And adorable Cleopatra checking things out. 




Mamadou (Louise and Ferren)

Ferrens minder

Angus and Mary



 Diana's glorious hat reads 

Ole Bendik - toujours independent

People dropped in and out and I missed photographing many friends;  curiously as the blanquette-fuelled afternoon wore on some of the snaps became unusable. 

(Sorry Susan)

Gracie didn't make it - key problems with her home - hopefully now resolved. Sent love to all.

Gossip from outside Esperaza:

News from Peter Dunn; they are stuck in London till mid-May and stuck more than somewhat as Clare was trapped in the SE London gridlock that occurred yesterday. Clever girl managed to get into the ASDA car park so had access to food and water for the day. Nightmare! Hope she was eventually released.

Shuff has been touch. He's hoping to get here in July and asked after the ex-pats, all. He says Amsterdam is great without the #H++%*  Brits. 

Brother-in-law Phil has escaped from his second British hospital in two weeks and has a date for the third attempt to preserve his life in late May. Shudder. Best to him -

-and to all out there! Challenging days. You are equal to the task. (yes, yes, I protest too much -)

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