May 15, 2024

Goodbye Phil

 Everyone has gone to their several homes -

great funeral! 

Ian has sent this link as a piece of music that Phil loved and it seems a good memory.

Many thanks to all who attended, in some cases making long journeys at short notice. And to all those who came back here afterwards. The family were so thrilled to see how Phil had rooted himself in Esperaza and how many friends he had made. We all have Phil stories....

Bit of a limbo now. Di is leaving for the UK today so yesterday we hove to the Pont for sustenance...

and here's Erika in her lovely green frock, telling us off for not eating all our vegetables.
Anyone interested in Life after Death?? As it happens, Marcus Williamson, James Macdonald and petite moi had made a webinar for Julie at Insight and Intuition. I haven't played it yet but I was there and Marcus and Jamsie were great!! There is an into that says you must subscribe but this is a meaningless formality, I'm told - just click it, no charges will be made.

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