June 28, 2024


My favourite bad boy, dug up under Narbonne train Station and now tarted up and on display in the Norman Foster designed museum, Narbo Via.
What a day we had! Many of the British geriatrics of Esperaza got loaded onto a coach and had, firstly, coffee and croissants by a motorway, then the magic museum tour (with guide and in my case a walking stick with a little seat attached) After which a large and notable lunch on the terrace in the shade, thence to various activities - mine being a boat trip up and down the canal. It was hot but comfy and enjoyed by all. We saw a fisherman catch a fish on our way down for the first lock: on the way back, he did the same thing. 

 Hats off to Marie-Pierre who is an organisational genius; and to John Morley and other helpers for keeping the wanders under control. 

Hannah came too. At nineteen years of age, she brought the average down somewhat :)

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