October 15, 2024

Esperaza domesticity

 Sundays market was crowded, of course, and fun - and Ziad was showing his prize for Top Nosh,  which is most impressive. Amazing Lebanese food. He graciously said that everyone in Esperaza works really hard to be the best! 

Gave dinner to Gert and Elsbeth last night and forgot to photograph anyone, which is a shame as everyone was gorgeous. Unlike dinner, which veered on the only-slightly-edible side. Jean and John have one more night with us and then hit the UK route; they will be much missed (John is unblocking a drain as I write...)

October 12, 2024

Max and Andy back

Max and Andy are back in town for a few days -= too excited catching up last night to find out where they are going to or indeed have come from. 
John, Jean and Andy

La Chapaire has v sensibly found ways to deal with tourist indecision!!
Our host is heading for London today, three days there with his wife and son - a well deserved break. They are staying near the British Museum and we had a great time telling them where else they should visit. Wish we could show them around.
Incidentally, la Chapaire got an unannounced visit from the French Hygiene Health Inspectors and were found to be impeccably impeccable, of course.

Hols., again

 Bobs brother John is with us with his partner Jean - who doesn't photograph well :) - so we are gadding about. Yesterday was St Pierre de Mer and a fave restro., le Baline Bleu which is extraordinary by any standard! Beautiful balmy day, calming sea soundtrack , all perfect.   

-and this mornings frog pose -

October 9, 2024

Farewell old friend

 And so we say goodbye to Leo .... here's a screen shot of the ceremony in Amsterdam (where some Esperazannaise can be spotted) and below, Toby and Jim giving their panegyrics. Several glasses were raised to his memory at Toutla last night.

Leo funeral link, probably.


If the link posted yesterday isn't effective, try this one - my techie skills are not getting any better. But either should work.

Needless to say, today is filled with thoughts of Leo.

October 7, 2024

Link to Leos funeral for Wednesday

 Toby has sent the info about Leos funeral. We are all invited to watch the streaming - and Toby says, if there's too much Dutch we can log out and log back in later!

Rose and Kat are en route to Amsterdam to be physically present and are already held up by the mist in Carcassonne.  Flight is followed by trains and buses so fingers crossed that the connections aren't too critical - its a long days travel anyway. 

Here's all you need for Weds at 2.30.... 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tobys letter~~~~~~~~~~~~

If you want to join us during the ceremony just login using tinyurl.com/LvLierop 

The cremation ceremony takes place on Wednesday 9 October at 14.30hrs -15.30 hrs(European time). 
Most of the (5!) speeches will be in Dutch but I will mix in some english. And you may see yourselves in the pictures. 
(Anyway, if it is too long you can take a break).

Always remember that Leo loved you all and has had a great life in Esperaza.

Hope to see you all in Esperaza in 2025, xx Toby

October 6, 2024

Quillan for Saturday, Always Esperaza Sunday

One of the joys of being grown up and not absolutely flat broke yet, is the pleasure of eating out with friends. Barbara and Michael are so kind; they come and pick us up and we drive to a restaurant that we have carefully picked in advance. Then we can chatter in comfort and enjoy!

Last night was a return to La Galerie in Quillan, which (as any local foodie will tell you) is superb. 
Not going to waste superlatives; save up and go.

Todays market was packed as usual, not so many brits at this time of year but many foreign accents. Guessing Belgium, Danish, Dutch and so forth. And of course the locals... its a great pleasure, this weekly fest. Weather hot after the initial chill wore off. 

October 4, 2024

Moving evocations

 Went looking for fungi - don't ask - and in the course of my wandering discovered that the Evocation de Verdun had gone from its ancient spot under the panel on the new bridge, to a new location by the fountain. 

Mysterious! Why ? What will squat on its old plinth? -watch this space.

Steve, allelujia!!

 What with one thing and another, forgot snaps of last nights meal at Gert and  Elsebeths... shared with Roland and Kat and very nice too!!

However, I finally managed to remember to photograph Mr Steve Hall, denizen of these parts in the distant past. He and Iain (RIP) arrived here in the days of General Lafittes mayorship, which dates them; and they left erm about 15 years ago. We're all hazy.

Here he is at The Pont having lunch yesterday, remembering when that particular space was full of old broken things; one rarely ventured even inside the café by the bar. 

Such fun to catch up. Steve is still working hard in Edinburgh so unlikely to join us again soon. He leaves today. > sniff< 

October 2, 2024

Leo van Lierop RIP

 It is with the heaviest of hearts that l have to report Leos death.

Toby wrote yesterday: ' Leo died last night, peacefully asleep; no pain or anxiety. Just the way he wanted it. We are very sad  but also relieved he dosnt have to wait...'

Leo had Leukaemia and had been doing very well under treatment, when the treatment became ineffective and was withdrawn. It was a question then of pain management and time.

Here's a selection of tender memories....

He was big in our lives. 
Hugs to all, Toby his widow, Jim his step-son and his family.
Toby is arranging the funeral and there is a chance it will be streamed; link to follow. And more anon...