July 29, 2024

No prizes...

 ...for guessing where we were last night! 

The Poulet Bicyclette is a family favourite and now Charlie has arrived all the Harris's, baring Hannah, are here. Missing Phil. 

Lovely evening, Sebastian and his team worked flat out in high temps to feed large numbers of people. As ever, good nosh. And cocktails.

To the lake - not sure which - today, then the night market if the aforementioned high temps haven't wiped us out.

Looks like manexplaining going on...

July 28, 2024

summer survival fun

Rupert and Julie celebrated their meeting, 50 years ago - sharing the love :)  at a party in their home last night. Hot, but no-one moved very much ... lovely night of eating, drinking and nattering, with simultaneous translations of the speeches (and Ruperts French had to be translated into English which was hysterical)
 (....Perhaps you had to be there)  

The snap below is from Friday. We stopped at the little place outside Limoux, a brocante/restaurant, which we'd heard was good - and it was, beautiful garden and great snax. We'll be back for a meal.
Richard and Will 
We were on the road because we'd been to Wok Land, where Richard and Will met Margo and Theophile. And we were cool (aircon) and ate masses, slowly, and caught up with each other. 

Not a very good pic of Margo who was looking great, clearly happy and relaxed. Wok Land is brilliant for comfortable meals, and the boys Willian and Theophile loved it as they are both 15 and can't eat enough. They are really tall and stick thin and walk funny, all elbows and knees and huge feet. Gorgeous 
I'm a decent 5'8 so you can see how tall they are...

July 26, 2024


Harris family here! Here are Lynne and William at the Creperie, always first port of call when they arrive. That was Wednesday: there was a huge delay at the airport, due apparently to a computer glitch. Many people off two planes and unable to get through security - but at least the new building has aircon and isn't massively uncomfortable. 
Yesterday was another traditional treat, the lake at Puivert. Ate junk and sat under the trees. Here's William with his dad Richard: Charlie is arriving on Sunday and Lynne is leaving us around then, so the Harris's are having a frisky time of it.
weather divine. Under 30 degrees, most comfortable -
Hardly any tourists. Cafes and restros are complaining. No one can afford holidays now, French included. Perhaps August will be livelier though speaking as a resident you can guess which I prefer. Provided the cafes don't go out of business.
Found this grubby painting in a junk shop in Puivert and cleaned it up at home, anyone recognise the sitter? Guessing its a self-portrait possibly by someone exploring gender roles :) It's dated September 1991 but unsigned.


July 23, 2024

Holiday spirits

 Exceptionally nice night market. We encamped near the exit, away from the noise, woops sorry, singing; and not too smoky. Plus we got to check out most of our mates as they came in, heading for the depths... and look whos back for the hols!! Along with all the usual suspects. 

Not too hot either, just pleasantly warm. As is today. I have developed a strange relationship with coffee which requires me to leave the house early and go to a cafe - its a good life :)

July 21, 2024

Mysterious July

 Wonderfully cool day after a nights' rain and cries of Allelujia around the village. Went to Toutla for supper last night with Ziggi and her girl Laura and very nice too, but close and uncomfortable especially as its been superhot here for a couple of days. The Fete du Vin at Matthieu's sounded like it was v successful, the singing lulled me to sleep ~~~~~~

Market was - hoop-la! - cold. But still busy and a laugh and generally rewarding. The captain and I thought, hmm, not many people will go to the lake... and they didn't, just a handful of hardy souls were there. I stood in the water in my cossie and thought better of it. Then it started to rain.

Very pleasant interlude anyway. And there are THIRTEEN ducklings!

July 19, 2024

High life

 Up the hill to Nick and Barbara's last night - the heat and the walk nearly finished us off but they did a superbe job of revitalising us :) Their house and its views are amazing, perched on the top of the village looking over the mountains; sat in their garden after dinner and watched the light changing, listened to the bird song - love it here in the town but I totally get the point of where they are and with a certain amount of envy. AND they can cook!

July 18, 2024

Sunday - Weds-

 Didn't last the course at the Monday night market so missed Diane Dunn singing fabulously away, ditto Ziggy - made last nights trip to toutla where they are now doing PokeBowls, here pronounced Pokeai.

Here the venerable O-B and young Norbert come to grips with exciting technology on Weds. And here's a nice pic of Sunday night ---

July 14, 2024

Saturday night in the Aude...

...started with the private view of Ursula Comes retrospective at the salle des consuls at Alet les Bains. Very old mate Ursula has left Alet and moved to Carcassonne, but came back for the show which was tremendous. We already have some of her work and now we have more, or will have when we collect it next week. Well worth a visit. The medieval salle, newly refurbished, is also gorge. Lovely vernissage, wine and food under the trees in the ancient square (by Nostradamus's house). 
And glory! There was Maria whom I've known since the dawn of time - we exhibited together in London and moved here independently of each other. Her career has blossomed, the French have welcomed her and her work. 

Not too hungry but needing to eat, we went to see our Tibetans in Quillan. We just had starters (nems) and pudding (rice plus fruit and stuff) and loved it all. There's a certain amount of chaos as there will be with a new restro -need more staff!!! Any volunteers? 

Then to the new wine bar ArtVin3, run by a couple of Belgium folk and very nice too. Our  dear Diane Dunn was playing though there was no amplification so quite heard to hear. The courtyard was rammed and the atmosphere excellent. She'll be back there to play and so will we :) 

Guillaume was clearly overwhelmed by the wit and wisdom of his elders :) Holidays, eh.... and the fireworks had been cancelled due to fire hazarderyness.
Below, the sunset over Quillan station. It's as defunct as the other stations on the route to Limoux. Bring back trains: the number of cars on the roads needs to diminish :)

That was last night and today is bastille day so much festivity in town. Market, of course; hot, crowded, normal: vide grenier ditto though rather better tat than of recent showings: a procession and a communal meal to  celebrate the taking of the token prison.

We had dear Diane Dunn to lunch, plus Catherine who has made a re-appearance, again. All food bought in the market so dead easy and delicious.

Daniel left this morning for Toulouse, to catch the sleeper to Paris and get to the Irish embassy for travel docs in the morning, thence to Dublin to collect his new passport and credit cards. Do not try this at home, boys and girls! Keep your passport and credit cards safe, tied to your body in some secure fashion.

Monday tomorrow. No doubt the holiday vibe will continue at the night market. See you there !

July 13, 2024

Tourist town

As the town gallops towards its avowed policy of attracting tourists, here are the new public toilets: not actually open. Perhaps there is a ceremony about to happen??

And the, erm, hat. The neighbours said (when I asked), it resembles nothing. I stood under it to see if anything resonates and the best that can be said is that it might shelter parts of one person if it rains.

Apart from these excitements, all is calm (for the moment-) The weather is cloudy and fresh; lovely! The river is very low....

 Book now for the various communal meals... bastille day and the fetes du vin. I'm too old for this malarky.

July 10, 2024

Hot town news

The station - as was - has got some facsimile postcards by it, showing how it was - so miss that station! 
The green chain-link fencing has been removed from the edges of the tracks; it was useless as anyone wanting to cross the line either cut it or bent it to do so, and it was ugly. Hoping its absence doesn't presage something sinister.
Here's how it is now. Presumably we wont be getting our trains back in 2025 as originally stated by the powers-that-be. Nice wild flowers though. 
It's hot though with a pleasant breeze and looks like staying that way for a while. 
Josephine and Matthew, who've been staying with us, left this morning. Delighted with the friends they made in the night market!
Our beautiful green frog has gone AWOL though the little gold one is still gulping at us. 

July 9, 2024

lacklustre, us

Road to Fa seemed to be closed this morning - but as I stood there pondering, several cars ignored the sign and never re-appeared so whatever's happening probably isn't, now.

Didn't make the night market last night, too knackered (=too hot, too smoky, too loud -) Watched tele with the captain. Time to take up crochet.

July 8, 2024

Tom came and went

Tom Chan,  visiting from the University of Cybernetics, Australia... it rained all day for his trip to Carcassonne, but he got over it. Jamsie invited us for tea to his 15c chateau, a deal more authentic than La Cite, and better sandwiches. 

He's left us this morning, for Toulouse and then Melbourne. Not enough time together :) 

Last breakfast with Tom
Hannah and her boyfriend Tom have also gone, that was Saturdays news - Daniel still here plus Barbara and Andrew. 

Night market tonight!!! That'll cheer me up -

July 5, 2024

Tory Trouncing

 Got hundreds of snaps from last night - a random respectable sample:

Antonia watching the band
Peter Dunn orchestrated the musicians so we were blessed by him, on guitar and vocals: by Roy on harp (woah that boy,) Steve on tenor Sax, Clare on vocals, CaroZe on vocals, Hannah who did a splendid slot -so much local talent! Time there was a recording by the Esperaza Étrangers. 

Harp Boy Roy and lovely Jo

Regina and Clare, plotting, watched by Yvonne 

John, Hannah, Roland

Caroze, party girl :)

Cake - 2 kilos of chocolate - made by Charlotte. Edible flowers. Fantastic.

Janet, Jamsie, Pete -

O-B and Fran

Star Hannah and Galaxy John

Hannah performing -
Funny how photos make it all look rather sedate. It wasn't. Mille mercis to all who came to make such an excellent night  xxx

July 2, 2024

First night

Our babes in the night market... which wasn't too packed, wasn't too hot nor too cold, where it didn't rain. A good night to recommence the festivities and a good night it was :) 

It's all change here as Robin leaves us for a UK sojourn and Daniel moves into his house until he can sort his lost travel documents -
see you next week, when more mates will be here - the days are just packed :)

Anyone in town who still has hopes of  Esperaza post office should know that from July 1st until August 31st, it will be open at 1.45 until 4.45, Mon., Tues., Thurs, Fri. So, no mornings, no Weds., no Sat

and anyone here who has hopes of surviving a right-wing takeover should know that when I asked the mayor what would happen to the Brits he said he would defend us. Phew.