August 11, 2024

goings and goings

Here's James, grown from the charming baby of yesteryear to, erm, something else.... and his folks, Lou and Andy - all well, they appear to be enjoying the heat though will be returning to their new life in Blighty soon. 
Bob and I have old mates a bit of a drive away and we went a-visiting. Here is Bob under the trees after dinner and below him, the view on waking. Gorgeous.

Safely back home - the parrots are OK and the frog seems happy.
S/He is changing very fast; bigger than when s/he arrived and the markings have become creamier with ripples of bronze on thigh and belly. Daily more beautiful. I do hope s/he stays with us, the previous frog who was bejewelled with colour either went off to find classier mates or attracted the attention of the garden snake.

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