August 15, 2024

Weather and other activities

 Gloriously cool - some say cold - with light drizzle. Last night the glitterati of Espe sat outside Tout-la in the rain. Since Le Healthy and La Chapaire were closed for the long weekend holiday, we (Pete, Clare, Di, Terry - ) stayed put and ate deep fried food. Jean-Luc has taken to calling white wine with lots of ice le piscine blanc which is rather a good name for it; its been thoroughly tested and approved.

Not sure what would be open this morning, it being the feast day of the Assumption (when we celebrate the carrying-up to heaven of the virgin Mary) but the market was there and it was business as usual everywhere in Esperaza. So glad I went to check!! The birds of Rue Gambetta were either taking showers or preparing for the off - fantastic flights of swifts and martins, all plump with mosquitos and ready to fly to Africa and do their bit there.  Hoping they won't be leaving us just yet but the locals think the change in the weather will see them on their way.

Other news, which I was too slow to photograph, is that the kingfisher is back, further down river from where his habitat was destroyed last year - lets hope the authorities will give him/her time to train a brood before ripping everything up again. 

And behold!! Not only do we have toilets but we can be seen to have toilets!!

Here's a sign on the old bridge.

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