September 22, 2024

Allenna and the ruins

 Been doing the tourist thang in the Aude with Allenna; started at Alet-les-bains, with the beautiful ruin of the cathedral - hundreds of photos of course - here's one.

In the adjacent church spotted this angel driving a car.
much other good stuff including a portrait of Nicholas Pavilion
possibly not the pirate of the same name but who knows?? Seeing as Nostradamus is supposed to have lived down the street, anything is possible.

Next stop Rennes-le-chateau where we enjoyed a hearty lunch at the bistro of les amis, much appreciated; and a quick tour of the church where I noticed this stained glass for the first time, Lazarus being called forth. Rather good, amongst the kitsch.
That's us exhausted then.
Today, market day, was WET. Coped well, saw lots of friends, now cocooning.

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