September 4, 2024

Bruno and Fontfroide

 Bruno is staying, always a treat - and yesterday he announced that our outlooks needed broadening and that he would drive us to the Abbaye de Fontfroide near Narbonne. I hadn't been there for years and Le Capt had never been, so off we set - dodging the showers - picking up Brunos sister Rosine en route.

Lunch of course was superbe! And long and fun, the Lang family being the sort of French company us Brits cherish for its outrageous otherness :)

The Abby itself is photogenic to the point of unreality - loved it all, even the contemporary art. 
The rain held off so that after lunch we ambled around the rose garden and generally felt ourselves blest.

And today, the rain is pouring off our gutters as I write. Very good news, for the river, the land and the cleanliness of the town.

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