September 14, 2024

Ceret and Max Jacob

 Went to Ceret yesterday, courtesy Lizzie Jackson who did the driving - the countryside is so beautiful at the moment, just before the leaves turn - but cold!! Above is a photobomber outside the modern art museum where we'd gone to see the Max Jacob exhibition. 


The Max Jacob show was more about his circle and times than his painting which was of course fascinating. Above is Picabias portrait of him. Picasso was his godfather when he was baptised a catholic (being born Jewish) and there can't have been any of the big players of the day with whom he was not an intimate. He cast astrological charts and read palms... got the Legion d'honeur for his literary efforts but alas, died en route to a death camp in WW11. The expo was well assembled, given the multi-faceted nature of the man and lack of output - and the restored gallery is gorgeous. Enjoyed it all.  

 Can't remember what else has been going on. Lovely evening at Toutla on Wednesday. Those evenings come into their own when the tourists have gone and the part-timers disappeared and only the old lags remain to console each other.

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