October 31, 2012

endless weather

 One of the many things about living here that pleases, nay, delights, is that the weather is pretty good. We talk of it a lot because any variation is just that - a variation, a deviation one might say, from the norm.
Suddenly its the end of October and its cold and its wet. Which is better than its nearly the end of October and its freezing and blowing a storm. Here is one of those dear banana trees by the little fountain, cruelly killed in its splendor.
Or perhaps they recover if the sun shines? I'II be watching....

and then there's the strange things that aberrant weather does, though this one is still baffling me. Closed the shutters against the storm. Opened them when it was over. In the corner of one window, previously sealed as a window and shutter sandwich, was this little egg. Still can't work out how it could have got there or who laid it. Since it has clearly *materialized* out of nowhere, it is  er something to do with the philosophers stone. Or a snakes egg perhaps, since a dead snake set in resin is hanging the other side of the window. Ah yes, that'll be it then Apported from the spirit world.

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