Began well enough; than we found Bob had lost his car key. His sole car key. Voices were raised, accusations leveled.
It became easier to do some housework than not - if you have to turn everything over you might as well tidy up and if you search the floors you may as well sweep them.
I spoke to the street cleaners and the police and the staff at Luc's - no joy. Better than housework though.
The family gave up and went off on the Cathar trail for some insight into heresies. Bob went to see Kat and she drove him to the garages' office in Caracassonne - jut in time for lunch. Come back at 2.00, they said.
Back at the garage after lunch, Bob filled in forms and was eventually told that the key would be obtained within a few days. When it arrived he was to get the car to Carcassonne for a security fitting. the flaw in this process?
Hey ho. Fortunately Helen back at London has found the spare and has sent it over.
DATES; Saturday, Georges has a vernisage at Alet les Bains. See poster below...

Sunday, the towns group of shops and services here (OSCAR) are having a loto event - bingo to you and me - followed by a meal fixed by Chez Charlie. More info as and when. You have been warned.
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