December 20, 2013

Christmas lurks...

 Jessica 'Le Chainsaw' and Princess Alice have an early christmas snack...
    Yesterday Bob arrived. Here we see that the works at the airport gallop onwards as they have been for some years now. I'm confident that before the planet runs out of oil we will have an airport to impress; thereafter it'll make a great museum of some sort.
In the meantime at Esperaza the piped muzack is on low volume, presumably a compromise between those that want it and those that don't. Its rather eerie, like a party is happening behind the wall or just round the corner.

Don't forget that tomorrow at Kats gallery (Rue de la Republic, just off the square) there is a mighty sale of life drawings starting at 2.00 - nudes for all:) The life-drawers of these parts are trying to raise enough money to keep the models warm so are flogging off produce at 5 euros a pop.

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