Bob is home; his eyesight, thought not yet restored, is - in principle - saved.

No reading, no computer, no driving, no gardening, no dog-walking; everything he likes comes with a 'no' in front of it.
Watch this space:)
If anyone fancies dropping in, he's in his room with a terrace and a teas-made. Company welcome.
FYI - symptoms of a detached retina are flashing lights followed by a grey or black cloud that obscures vision, no matter where you look. It is very important to get immediate treatment because the sight can be saved by gluing the retina back on, but only if it is still 'alive'. Fast as possible. Which is why we got such sterling treatment all down the line - doctor to specialist to hospital.
Also FYI, Bob has a European health card which gave him free emergency treatment. He has to pay the cost of staying in the hospital -as do I, having had a camp bed with him - and meals. We think this is recuperable along with the consultation fees and the pharmaceutical stuff. All will no doubt become clear, as will his eyesight. The eyeball is filled with gas which is holding the retina in place and which will slowly disappear, returning his vision as it does so.
In the meantime, Ole-Benik is apparently home - I know only what Kat has told me - and Alisha has begun the first stages of giving birth to Etienne. Here is the clean bathroom, now known as a birthing-pool room. More on everything as and when.....
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