September 2, 2016

Marianne missing

Esperazas' Marianne has gone missing... here are her brackets.
Can only hope that she is somewhere safe while the previous kindergarten, her old home, is tarted up to be the new health centre.

Below is Scottish Daves house. At about 8.00 this morning he was painting it a tasteful creamy gold.

We - Kat and Roland, Di and Bev, Toby and Gracie plus me and Bob - decamped in convoy to LeFranqi where we roasted by the med., pic-nicing sur le plage.

I took a tent on account of I fry easily and despite reading peacefully there with occasional dips in the warm, pellucid ocean am now crunchy with salt water and sunburn.

It was worth it :)

the view from my tent


  1. I imagine Andree capture Marianne for a game of scrabble
    Pierre (far east nephew of Andree)
