April 23, 2017

Chateau St Ferriol

Dinner last night was in the very grand setting of Jamesies' chateau at St Ferriol. Interesting to meet there James and Kay (from L.A.) who do something previously unknown to me - Fast Art. He does an hour of painting in front of an audience whilst Kay does the entertaining talk-over; the painting is then auctioned.
Since my methods are laborious and furtive we are at opposite ends of the art spectrum and it was fascinating listening to them.
They are currently touring castles. They did England and Wales by cruise liner, stopping off at the big castles and are now doing the Languedoc with James. My photos are rubbish but they have a site at www.jamesrhahn.com  which shows them beautifully.

Other guests also interesting; an englishman on the run from office routine is staying there to help Jamsie and a young man from Poland is there working on the lovely gardens.

Jamsie knocks up a mean pizza and served peanuts on ice-cream for pud. Yuri and I ate and drank heartily ...


  1. Sorry to say that 'fashion' was popularized by public television. http://www.realclear.com/tv/2015/03/30/bob_ross_facts_11442.html
    It spawned a cottage industry of industrial "art" painting where assembly line oil painting are produced and sold to people who know no better. I haven't looked at your link; having seen a small part of a PBS program ages ago, I have no desire to know such things continue on.

  2. Thanks for this and other recent comments, Gabriele. The system has stopped informing me of comment arrivals and I've just stumbled across a load - now I know will check regularly. Sorry :(
