The day started innocuously enough with the fire brigades' annual practice at rescuing people from burning buildings... no one was injured and the young pompiers now know how to manage a catastrophe.
Thence to the star of the day - Roy Hayes, a babe of 70 years, still looking good on it. In this photo (which I stole from Lorraines facebook page) it is clear that he continues to appreciate good living.
Many friends were there to celebrate and to marvel at the cooking - magic Jo at work for some weeks, one suspects. I asked their son Jonathon if the family always lived like this and he said he thought it was normal, that all families ate so well, until he got married.... his wifes response is unprintable.
Kieran is recovering from his nasty lurgy though overcome by a need to sit down - on Lorraine -
Its becoming clear that my blurry photos are due to a blurry lens. Will clean up before the next event.
Really a shame that this pic of Luc and Fiona is so blurred - Lorraine takes a good crisp snap as you can see from this of me and Bob, also lifted from Facebook and taken by dear Lorraine whom I hope won't mind.
Louise and Janet and a happy crowd scene

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