November 16, 2018

Gill et Jean

Thought Gill et Jean were a happy couple until I paid attention - its actually gilets jaunes  and its going to cause chaos tomorrow. Protesters will be donning the gilet jaunes ( yellow vests)  and blocking roads all over France to protest at the fuel price increases.
Just as our friend Angela flies into Toulouse, oh dear....

Here are random snaps from this evenings' stroll.

I'm putting off writing about the death of our dear little rabbit Jess, who was terribly old and died peacefully, but followed quickly on the heels of Lucifer - making it all quite shocking. Especially as Bella had arrived to join a rabbit-community and is now alone.
Bella however  seems a spark brighter than the missing lapins. She has built a burrow and eaten the roses.

Gloomily pondering Brexit - 

apropos, more friends have got their carte de sejour, hurrah, but word reaches us about some that haven't and have been given three months to leave France. One of them has hired a lawyer, it seems. Everyone is anxious, not just me. 

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