- continuing where www.tilling-sur-aude.blogspot.com left off, with gossip and updates from a small French town
September 29, 2020
For the homesick
No photos
No photos! Spent the evening testing blanquette with Max and so forgot... then I thought, lets see what's happening with the local arts, so here's a link. Most interesting is that nothing is happening in Esperaza, despite the best attempts of ADADE, our local arts group.
The Esperaza arts centre??? Maybe it's a conceptual piece, reflecting the vacuity of contemporary art.
September 28, 2020
Sunday delights
Leigh is very well and reports that Lorraine is too. Good to know.
Claudine had been in Toulouse for her birthday, a significant one, so we had a little tea party yesterday to celebrate. Here she is with one big candle to blow out on her cake.
September 27, 2020
Saturday shenanigans
And here is Clare last night. She and Fran came to dinner which was such a treat for me - haven't made a meal for friends for an age. The other photo is of Rico caressing Fran, that parrot is such a tart!
September 26, 2020
au table
September 23, 2020
Back in Esperaza, we have new neighbours! David on one side ( terrible photos so no image) and Gordon, seen here, on the other. A big welcome to them both -
September 22, 2020
Many friends preparing to leave with the swallows. Gracie is off today to join Tim for a month in England somewhere. We are leaving the summer house for the winter house, which means crossing the courtyard. Quite enough travel, with enough challenges to keep us busy.
Heard from Beth recently, remember our Canadian friends who stayed in Rue St Saens? The girls are back in school and Dylan is remodeling their house. All well. Also heard from Ryan and Alecia; the fires that threatened them in America turned when the wind changed so they didn't have to evacuate but they haven't seen the sky in a fortnight. Barbara also been in contact from the states; her sterling analysis of English and American politics ends with the plaintive we were so hopeful after the last war. Heartrending.
Stay well, y'all.
September 20, 2020
plague doctor in town
September 18, 2020
Summer not quite quitting
Here are some of the tribe, outside the creperie and the museum of dinosaurs. There must be a joke about being between a rock and.... but I can't figure it.
Max was there, next to Andy, Jamsies brother (over from Toronto), Norbert, Bernht, Jutta, Louise, Susan and Bob. The standards at the creperie never waver. The evening was warm and pleasant and everyone was in riotous good humour. These are indeed the days.
September 17, 2020
Completely forgot to take photos - indeed, totally forgot camera - on Tuesday night when our neighbours gave us an apero. So, Toby and Leo, me and Bob and Vincent were lured into the house of the Patriarch, Msr Louis, now 90 years old. Treated to the sort of feast that the French just do as a matter of course, all home made and devastatingly delicious. Sort of onion tart with herbs, then much meat, followed by crumble (because we are English) pronounced Krom'bell and bearing no relation at all to the british dish - this was apple, pear and peach mixed with a little flour, praline (made with Tobys hazelnuts) vanilla and other stuff I forget. Drank methode ancestral blanquette which was a relief - often been given pure alcohol with a hint of orange before (their own oranges though).
September 15, 2020
Lovely chattery breakfast catching up.
September 13, 2020
Celebrating Ferren
...Here's Mamadu cutting the cake.
Below is Sasha with O-B. Photos of other guests pretty bad. They will keep moving, these artists. Great BIG congratulations to Nora too, she left the party to go street drawing in another commune - and was awarded a prize :)
ethical fashion
This weekend is on-line conferencing - thrilling and EASY -
I took a quick turn round the market this morning to stretch my legs. (Not crowded yet.)
Anyway spotted the masks in the photo and was about to indulge when I remembered that La Vie Vintage does lovely masks for 5 euros, a large chunk of which goes to a cancer charity in the Aude.
Fashion fun or ethical purchase??
-back to conferencing :)
September 11, 2020
socially distanced party fun
Susan created a treat for the usual suspects last night. There were around a dozen of us, met by Susan in a mask and Jamsie with vodka martinis; thereafter Susan roamed the rooms, reminding us to distance.
She and friends had made a vast amount of food and the blanquette flowed; what could possibly go wrong??
Missed those of the clan who couldn't be there but enjoyed the ones who could. Above is the lordly Ole-Bendik with his familiar, Cleopatra - and Susan, our lovely hostess. All other photos vetoed.
September 10, 2020
Interesting discovery this morning. Bob had his bloods done here in Esperaza and was told the results would follow by email. They didn't. So I rang the laboratory and was told that as he wasn't in the French medical system, he had to collect them - and (of course) pay.
What was interesting was that no-one told us... the results would have been moldering in a spare room for the next decade had I not rung.
Weather fabulously perky today. Might have to return the winter clothes to the cupboard and try to find the summer ones again.
September 8, 2020
Esperaza calm
Its cold and the beasties are running for cover - I'm back in trousers and a jumper - what happened? A wretched pit of paperwork is being dealt with here. Its possible that I shall be so changed by this horror that l will be unrecognisable soon.
But all well in town. People are grumbling about the weather. Just like Blighty, really.
Keep warm out there - and safe, of course. Apropos; a young geezer passed me in the street, clapped a hand over his mouth and nose and said, masque biologique.
September 6, 2020
Sunday review
Everyone masked up at the vide grenier, see pic - chap had made it out of a cubey (Cant remember if you get cubeys elsewhere. They are plastic bottles shaped like a cube which hold cheap table wine) Much used hereabouts.
Only bought sensible things. Sad, eh.
September 4, 2020
here and so forth
September 3, 2020
More food and fun
Les Deux Arches give an amazing breakfast so we were fit to go draw, find lunch and return home... where Phil was about to drive back to Blighty. Accordingly we went for a farewell dinner last night at the Auberge du Faby where Sabrine (below) spoilt us - she has a most interesting exhibition up, showing the paintings of an artist who died about five years ago. Her husband has been re-interpreting the work in stained glass ever since and they are on show with the paintings. More on that as and when.
Diary news; Vide Grenier here in Esperaza, on the banks of the Aude, on Sunday.