January 3, 2022

Stay healthy...

 ...stay out of health food stores!

Arcadie clearly thinks its enough to display a sign to its anti -vax clientelle to protect us all. In a crowded store I should guess that half the punters were masked. When I complained to the unmasked bloke next to me in the lengthy queue, he said it was pas grave; its grave for me, I said, and told him why. He sweetly put on a mask - pour vous - but it was round his neck by the time we got to the till.

Esperazas little co-operative health store has disregarded the rules from the start - see entrys passim - so the larger chain stores will be the only safe shopping spots soon. Though Terre Mere, on the way to Quillan, was OK last time I was there. 

On the plus side, a new trick is available here - see link below. Leslie is managing this and writes that if you put in the post code it will flag up, called epicerie paysanne et solidaire. You create an account to go into the shop; order and they deliver. No contacts with careless people.



That rant aside, all is well. The sun continues to shine. Bumped into many friends during my coffee break; the Marshalls (who have sold their St Ferriol home and are moving to Somerset): Saverias daughter and grandaughter  who were out charming the world: Rachel, who is expecting her baby in March. We agreed that the ghosts of Tony and Jill Cooper, her grandparents, will be delighted. 

The only other excitement is that the greater spotted woodpecker in Tobys garden is continuing to call for a mate.

PS There is a comment attached to this post which you should only read if you like abusive language...


  1. you cunt. you go into the community when you are supposed to be isolating, complain about the rules when you cant see your kids for christmas but cant deal if someone is not wearing a mask. you are an ignorant cunt. shut the fuck up you old bitch.

    1. Decided to publish this, one of many abusive messages, because I dont know how else to contact (or trace) the author. Perhaps you would identify yourself? And enter into a helpful dialogue?
