April 9, 2023

mad Sat

 Nel hosted an egg painting competition, a tradition in her her homeland - since it is women only I'm guessing there is an ancient fertility link.

Here is Nel, fiercely concentrating - and Rose, ditto
This year there was a celebrity judge.
That's right, our own star Ole-Bendik who carefully deliberated between the finished eggs, knowing full well what happened after the judgement of Paris; he chose three winners, hoping to minimise the damage. The fact that the first was a fellow Norwegian raised an eyebrow or two. The second was the blameless Kat and the third our hostess. 

Lovely day, sunshine and cake and chocolate and blanquette... Nel is a brilliant organiser and in my view should be put in charge of the local events. Last nights' Spanish party in the Rue Gambetta, whilst entertaining, was a shambles. Not enough seating, food not ready for hours, impossible to get to the bar - you name it. Real problem for me was that the air was still and people smoked, activating my asthma and forcing me to take extra meds. Others may have had more fun - and Max and Andy were there, having just landed in these parts, hurrah!


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