...has sprung and our friends have returned to us! Hibernation is over...
everyone looks rather serious in this photo but my memory of the event - yesterday - was that it came into the immoderate laughter category.
Dougie and Regina are back amongst us, and we were lucky enough to catch Pete and Clare as they returned - before having to go again. Families and health issues call.
If you too are in travelling mode, get to Dublin for the end of the month to see our own Kenny McKendys exhibition - Kenny McKendry RP — GORRY GALLERY
His use of paint is nothing short of magic IMHO. And I'm not alone in this opinion, critical approval hurtling his way- can't seem to upload a painting but have a look at his gallery, link above.
And on a more prosaic note; I've been spending time with our local computer wizard,
If you too have problems with the machine in your life, Ronan is your man! Just past Chez Charlie
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