August 11, 2015

Here today, gone tomorrow...

...though to be accurate (pedantic, even) it was here yesterday and gone this morning. The building by the tree, that is; last night at the night market (very good fun, as ever) it basked in the sunshine - this morning its being demolished to make life easier for car drivers.

Cheery council workers enjoying the job - its was an electrcicity substation sort of thing so no heartbreak involved:)

 More excitements; the Patisserie has built a sort of  enclosure in the car park so tables outside are assured -

and the rest of Bobs family arrived last night - here are James, Cathy and Emily settling in :)

There has apparently been an explosion in Philippes house behind Marys in the Rue St Helene; Philippe is the man much seen about town wearing a face mask. It seems he is quite badly burnt and many pompiers were called out at 2.00 this morning. Marys garden is full of debris. More anon but love to all involved x

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