July 10, 2012

...As I was saying before I was so rudely interupted

Tilling-sur-Aude is become Esperaza Follies, much the same thing but without literary references.

Et voila! Chris and Mary at T Rex- me and Steve below, ditto

 Leo, of course, grafting away (Toby arrives tonight)
 Heres our Iain looking very manly, visiting till tomorrow with Steve (below), looking adorable as ever
 Last night was apero in the garden and another Ryan-and-Alecia special dinner; Scottish Dave and El were present with Steve and Iain and me and the Captain (who leaves today, alas) Sorry not to have a photo of El who lets face it is a lot better looking than her husband but havent got the measure of the camera yet. Night shots baffle.

 Heres a morning shot:) Off to clear up now

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