July 26, 2012

Diary dates

August 3rd is a busy day... from 4 - 8, our Kat (Katrina Head) is holding an aperitif at l'Artotheque, Rennes les Bains; a show of her photos in conjunction with Rupert Soskin called "La Nature vue de pres". See you there...
Another event occurs at the same time, 6.00 on the 3rd - its the dissolution of the association established around Karim. Since his death the paperwork must be tweaked so anyone who was a member of the association has to agree to the changes. If you can't get there (the old gallery) there is a paper to sign instead - contact Pierre Cros.
Apropos, there is a new association in town at the old Honey Museum. Any artist wanting to show there should turn up and ask for Elvira.

-Its hot here!! The only photos I have of recent events are useless, generally a sign of over-hilarity. Still writing in the cafe since I still don't have working internet connection at home.

Just missed a gorgeous photo opportunity - Pete standing on the roof of the Landrover handing a bicycle down to Annie:)

1 comment:

  1. Actually its 18.00-20.00 the vernissage at Rennes-le-Bain xxxx Kat
