March 14, 2013


Kat and I gasped our way up the hill last in a blizzard to the warm and wonderful house of Janie and Pam , where we had a an extremely good evening:) -Mozzarella, tomato and basil salad, apparently you can get basil in the winter from a supermarket, lovely to taste it again; chicken with lemon and herbs, hmmm; an extremely original pudding made by me on the basis of a chocolate mousse  that set rock solid; cheese, involving double Gloucester -
Here is Janie waving garlic that she grew in England.
Got a phone call  after dinner to tell us about the new Pope, who bodes well. A Jesuit, in itself a Good Thing (IMHO) but also giving the possibility that he might be the so-called 'black' pope as described by St Malachi- the head of the Jesuits is always refered to as The Black Pope, the alternative head of an alternative structure within the church - and therefore, says Malachi, the last.

Snow continues today and its very cold. Perfect day to get the wretched accounts finished, which is why I'm messing about blogging.

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