Here is Barry, the Remaining Policeman, leading the town's notables in the march against tyranny.
This is a good place to tell you the result of the vote on CCTV. 226 for; 74 against.
We are shortly to become a culture divided into the watchers and the watched. Sigh...
We did our bit for La Belle France by joining the Esperaza celebratory meal in the square. This year over 200 people were there, ably served by the team of local traders- many thanks to them. Here in the middle Msr Cross is cheerfully waving:) We had melon and ham, sausage and a bag of crisps, a small Camembert and tinned fruit salad, with jugs of wine. It worked well. Bizarrely.
Many people sang and we heard the Hymn of the Esperazannaise (for the first time, live - only ever heard it on tape at funerals before)
Next up was Lithium, dry ice and so forth; then darkness and the fireworks.

I legged it to the other side of the old bridge and found an unoccupied bollard to sit on. That's when I noticed that the hedge had glow worms in it:) Joy joy... they were unperturbed, carried on in competition and continued after the last firework died.
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