Sian has gone too, to Montpelier. I'm embarassed; she been here for many days, resting between treatments and I never managed a single snap. She's well and fighting her illness with courage and style.

The book is Tresors Oublies de la Haute Vallee de l'Aude and its lovely. Micheal writes about the churches of our region and there are beautiful photos by Jean-Louis Socquet-Juglard. Esperazas wonderful church naturally gets a full write up:) There was standing room only at the talk, enjoyed by all judging from the excited chatter afterwards. Micheal is extremely well equiped to write this book since in Blighty he was President of the Sacred Art Commision in the diocese of Worcester; many of the questions dealt with the British methods of protecting their heritage.
I should have asked where you can get it from but was too pleased with my signed copy to think of it. At a guess, ask in the biblioteque at Rennes les Bains. Since Micheal and Suzie live next door, they'll know.
Bob has returned to the fold. The weather has gone cold and misty, following yesterdays rain. Good for the land of course but having trouble finding a cardigan.
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