December 28, 2015

post xmas

 Been in Cerbere and had a wonderful time being lazy. Stayed at Kates place which is unhestitatingly recommended for anyone wanting to escape anything. See

Its an odd town. It was the freedom route for those escaping Franco and the fascists not so long ago - 70  years - the entry point into France.
Here in Esperaza many refugees arrived and were assimilated into the community, which was just as well - without the many Pozo family descendents we probably wouldn't have a fire brigade :)

Within a few hours of getting home the news on the street is mixed; very interesting.

Refugees are by their nature without papers and therefore illegals.There is no central organisation or responsible body. Groups and aid are passed between sympathisers, powered by the internet and word-of-mouth, perforce under the radar.

Some refugees have arrived in Esperaza and others are expected.

Our Mayor has said, in a public place and in front of Sudanese refugees, that we must be careful because they may have killed people with machetes. Was he joking? Let us hope so... he also said at the same occasion that the 4 euros a day that is donated for food is really for pleasure and that actual food is given by the refugees association.

This is not the case -

The organisation he refered to is 3 vounteer women who hassle about to get the 4 euros a day (=30 euros a month) per person and have no time to get food to anyone, even if they had any.

I'm reminded of what a previous mayor (of Couiza) said in the face of the then refugee invasion, 70 years ago: "We are all Gods children".

Anyone who thinks that a shared humanity is significant and wants to help with food, clothes or money can drop it off at the Restos du Coeur (the local food bank), by Radio Ballade

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