August 22, 2016

Grief shopping

Thought we'd do the vide greniers to help stop noticing the absence of our bunny. Started at Quillan where we squandered to great effect; new bed cover, silk rug, bone carved fish and a frock for when I loose some weight [oh yeah]. 
The plan was to do St Julia de Bec, St Ferriol and then Autugnac -nice round trip.

The best laid plans, as we all know, aft gang agly. 
If the sweet couple who run the Authentic restro in Esperaza hadn't stopped, we'd still be up a mountain wondering how to change a tire.They lept out and just did it, using madame as a lever to jump on the thing that turns the bolts. So grateful :)

bunny funeral biscuits

Back at home, here's Tango flinging his drinking water about in an impromptu shower. He is very cheerful despite our glumness.

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