March 15, 2020


Le Captain and I squandered yesterday on a trip to Castelnaudary where we bought the latest addition to out menagerie, Gabriel - currently laying down the law to Rosie, Tina and Gerald.
Rico and Tango nonplussed. 
It might be that there will be no freedoms of movement tomorrow... the voting for the mayor has started and after that our prime minister has announced that all unnecessary stores will be closed, ditto all restaurants and cafes, in an attempt to stem the progress of the invisible demon.

There is a market today though small - I was out very early and it was freezing cold but the sun is up now and I'II brave it again later. People who don't normally speak to me were asking if I was alright; slightly alarming, though most kind -

We ate last night in La Casa (burger and chips) and passed the meal outlining our wills. Bob will be self-isolating - hes very vulnerable - and I will be hand-maidening as I'm slightly more robust.

Good luck everyone :)

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