July 18, 2021

Mature feast

 What is the antithesis of a first communion breakfast?? Whatever - we had it last night, as 36-odd foreigners from all over Europe had a bulk 70th birthday party. Very cool idea; beautifully organised by Rose and Toby and probably many other friends.

Of course it was held at the creperie, outside the dinosaur museum - and hats off to Kevin and Nightingale and their tireless tribe for getting it all sorted. We'd ordered in advance and every table had a list of names with their chosen menus, clever eh - Mathieu of the bar sent over a glass of blanquette for everyone and Kevin gave each table a bottle of wine. Alcohol was indeed taken. Le Capt and I were on a table with Gert and Elsbeth and Jim Hankinson so lively debate was the order of the evening. 
Here is Steve. He  was successfully hexing my camera. 

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