August 31, 2021

Last night of the night markets

So summer ends... not with a bang but with a party. Below is the chap who has been feeding us baked potatoes and interesting fillings all this time, being awarded a trophy for being nice. He was indeed; as were the other assiduous stall-holders. 
Much talk of Jim, whose death has been a shock to our loose-knit tribe of foreigners. He was super intelligent, having begun his university life as a mathematician (at St Andrews University) and - following in the footsteps of Issac Newton - taking a second degree in theology. After that he went to Hornsey art school where he learnt his craft as a painter. Somewhere along the line he became a champion Go player, travelling a great deal to compete in international competitions. 

In the UK he worked in I.T.,  taking early retirement and selling his north London house to come to live in  Esperaza.  His esoteric studies took him to America to learn about the Mexican Indian cults under the care of Carlos Castaneda himself, author of many illuminating books. 

Later in life his esoteric interests convinced him he was a Nagual, a leader and teacher of the other-world insights. Despite his best efforts he never found the group of students he searched for and he became more inward-looking, eventually simply not acknowledging the existence of anyone else. He just withdrew from us all.

But it has been a very special experience knowing him...


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