May 18, 2016

Plan ahead

Love this pic of Stan and Eddie, taken by Martin and lifted from facebook.... because on Saturday, Stan and Eddie will be playing at St Gobains, starting at 9.00pm.  Everybodys favorite music:) so a good idea to book first if you want to eat. Ring Robin on 0468 20 60 52.

In case you don't know, St Gobains is at 5 Ave de Carcassonne which is the lower road out of town towards Couzia. Its an easy walk - before le Stade. 
If you want to eat there, best to book -there is a special menu- otherwise just turn up to the bar.
FR Avec Stan Adler (violoncelle électrique et voix) et Eddie Castellan (guitare à douze cordes et voix), la musique va du Bach classique au blues classique, avec des classiques des années 60 et 70, y compris des chansons des Rolling Stones, The Faces, Van Morrison, Rory Gallagher et de Jimi Hendrix avec des moments de soul et de gospel. C’est une performance très acoustique.

EN Featuring  Stan Adler (electric cello and vocals) and Eddie Castellan (12-string guitar and vocals), the music ranges through classical Bach to classic blues, 60s and 70s classics including songs from The Rolling Stones, The Faces, Van Morrison, Rory Gallagher and Jimi Hendrix with moments of soul and gospel. It is an extremely acoustic take.

The duo will play twice starting at 21h
Le duo joue deux fois et commence à 21h.

Im away till Saturday (in Gaillac, strikes permitting) so will be uncharacteristically quiet till then

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