May 14, 2018

Brexit fears

 We are inevitably touched by Brexit, despite having it forced on us. Georges Reverte, our Mayor, has offered a session in his office to talk to us about what to do - citizenship? Carte de Sejour? Suicide? Thats next Thursday, May 24th at 10.00 am in his office. All welcome. There will be frequent reminders.

Et voila! ANDREE, as cute as a button, as ever. Had a lovely long tea break with her in Limoux - she sends love to all, comme d'hab.

Just walking from the car to the entrance to her place was an epic as that's when the hail started. There was a brief sunshine patch this morning and here is Lily taking advantage of it, trying to drink the place dry. You can see from the size of the river this is not an easy task. AND there's snow in the mountains! So the snowmelt - if it ever happens - will cause further chaos.

Further news; Rue Gambetta is closed.

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