August 20, 2018

Monday in Esperaza

 Louise and Andy popped in and saved me from excessive housework... young James also but the nice  photo of him scowling into his little slab of technology won't open. Camera dramas continue to the extent that the photos on this blog are self-selecting.

Same from last night, lots of pix won't open ('catastrophic failure') so here's what we have; Beth, Freddy Bowyers friend from Chicago who is staying with Freddy at the Mill, next to Nel - welcome, Beth! (And Hello Freddie, nice to see you again :))
 -and a glimpse of Pete, Mikes hat, Janets nose, Ian ducking out of frame.. and all of Esperaza having a fine night. The band did good covers and the food was non-gourmande except for the brebis ice-cream. Missed you, Toby. Several other friends have left for strange places - the Scottish Daves' and Max, for example  - which on the one hand made conversation easier but on the other meant less people to converse with.

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