Ambling off to find an open supermarket to feed our guests, it being the Ascension and everything closed, when Kat rang to ask where we were- she and Richard had opened their galleries at 10.00 am and the art loving public were arriving. I thought we opened at 6.oopm for the party...
Here's Pol assembling the banner -
So, a longer day than was expected but fun, of course - having two galleries opposite each other is a blast - will be pacing myself better today :)
Many thanks to everyone who came. Apropos, our mayor sent his apologies - his son was in a car accident in Brittany and is alive (allelujia) George has gone to be with him, of course. Everyone here concerned and sending best wishes.
Margaret and John are back - tales of cancelled boats and other chaos, without which life in the Languedoc would be very dull! They both look in fine good form.
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