....started in Couiza at the first Vide Grenier of our season. Not overwhelming but fun nonetheless, drying out after the excessive rain. Low on acquisition - which considering how much junk we have is a blessing. Etienne got a Spiderman doll and a matching spiderbike. The mayor and attendants turned up in force to cheer the event; lots of (highly dubious) local costumes.

Thence after a decent break to dinner where Douggie and Regina met with Peter Dunn and Clare and the Genglers - Douggie and Regina are very welcome new-comers to our happy tribe.

Here are Pete and Douggie swapping biographies - fascinating :) Bob got stuck with being butler, a job hes very good at. Below, the gals are swapping household hints - not.

When I tottered over to the house we dined in to clear up this morning, it seemed the Ryan had got up early and done it all - fantastic, given that we just abandoned the mess at midnight. Hero :)
Today the sun is out and the market is in full force. Got a silk shirt in the frip and have limped home for a snooze...
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