December 25, 2021

Covid Christmas lunch

Started the festive day with oysters, supplied by Tim - here are Roland and Kat having a training session (Tim has one method of opening them, Roland another - they both have merits)
The Captain had done the customary enormous traditional spread and twelve of us sat down to manage it - for 5 hours.

Gracie has a camera that can do tricks but I dont have the capacity to download them properly - which is as well, perhaps :)


Yvonne supplied crackers and we had the fun of explaining the jokes, the costly gifts and the hats to Roland, who had never been to an English Christmas lunch. He took to it very well; and to the trifle, also supplied by Yvonne.

Kat had brought a gluten-free cake, bless her, made out of the last of Andree Bonnets walnut wine. We ate off a table cloth that she had embroidered so she was remembered by her many fans. Still missed.

Louise and Norbert brought the vegetarian alternative to the turkey...

Rose did the brandy butter - first time she'd made it, most excellent - and Nel and Pete provided the coffee (from a distance) AND my diamond necklace and earrings :) 

Here are Louise and Tim
and below, Yvonne and Tim and Roland. 
[There were two Tims present, which in some places (here) is regarded as great good luck.]
Below them are Rose, Katherine and Yvonne again -

Some might say it was a little crowded. The table was nearly big enough and the room was, erm,  intimate. We did keep the window open as a concession to social distancing but as the bubble are  constantly together and (with one exception) fully vaxxed, we were all agreed it was a risk we'd take... will report back.

And finally - a glimpse of the Captain (exhausted!!) me, Kat and Norbert looking startlingly like Paul Gauguin
Hope y'all out there had a good day too. Heaven knows whats next on the menu... lets just enjoy what we can, a day at a time :)