July 25, 2013

unusual silence

My uncharacteristic silence entirely due to the fact that I have nothing to report. Been sitting in cool rooms, wet towels over the slightly opened shutters, managing my new-found asthma.
Yesterday, however, I went for a walk. Discovered that the Rue Victor Hugo and the road to the station - the main artery through our metropolis - have been coated in tar and studded with stone chips. I attribute my recovery to the presence of hot tar. Thank you, Mr Mayor :)
Whilst wandering about ran into darling Edith, our potter and co- founder of the creperie. We went to the new patisserie by the church - its the one that used to be a florists, then was something these involving alternative life-styles, then was a t-shirt printers. You know the one. New incarnation is very good. Had an ice cream cone of deliciousness, hoping it was sorbet (dairy bad for asthma) and admired his cakes and pastries which are all made there.  
Today the Thursday market is in full swing and many friends are out and about, its so good to feel well enough to enjoy this place. I'm guessing the pollen has done its thing and that I'm going to be normal soon.

1 comment:

  1. le 'goudronage'de la rue victor hugo est une catastrophe et j'espere qu'on va punir le responsable p.ex.goudron et plumes-
