... life is being resumed. The schools are back, the tourists mostly gone. Last night there was a meeting at the Centre Culturel to introduce an Esperaza-based mutuelle, that is a system of payments to top up your carte vitale. When you are entitled to health care here you get a carte vitale but you still pay a percentage of the medical costs; a mutuale bridges that gap. Mostly. This one is for persons living or working in Esperaza and comes in cheaper than most, isn't age limited,isn't biased against existing health conditions. More info at the Mairie.
Further public information; signs up by the river reminding us of the dangers of swimming in the Aude. Which is good and necessary - people do drown - but at the moment a bit daft as there hardly any water.

New parrots settling in well, eating, drinking, preening and looking less fearful. Lovely.
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