September 16, 2018

Market treats

 The market was fab, as ever - sunny and not too crowded - a lot of stall holders absent, grabbing well-deserved holidays while they can.

Was skulking in the back of the Relais Occitain (only really smoke-free area on a Sunday) with Claudinne - who looks more like her daughter everyday - when Yvonne happened by. My pix of her are not good so here's Tim implying her presence :)

Both in excellent form and here for a little while... ran into many other mates who either ducked the camera or I forgot to flaunt it.

Here is one of the moths that are bedevilling us. Its like a Hitchcock movie in Esperaza, you must bat your way through them at various times and in certain parts of town.  Beautiful, of course, but overdone.

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