April 5, 2020

Hosanna indeed

Second week of NO MARKET. That means we have been three week into isolation. Here is the church bravely asserting that it is palm Sunday -

The local police were out this morning. The news on the TV says that the wearing of masks will be obligatory so I asked them where we can get masks. There arent any, it seems. Keep watching the pharmacies, they advise. Lala.

The captain and I ate at Le Creperie yesterday - ring 0468 74 16 06 and Kevin takes your order. At a pre-arranged time you go to the back door, the entrance by the picnic tables outside the dinosaur museum ring the bell (hard) and your meal appears out of the window. In a box. Brilliant.

It seems the trick in these days is to pepper them with treats.

On which topic, Serranos (our award-winning bakery) are doing an amazing little cake called a Napoleon, for reasons that Mde Serrano has forgotten. It's caramel and chocolate with walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios and marzipan. Possibly other things too. Note to self; get more and check.

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